Boy on Bridge
Alan Doyle: Beyond Great Big Sea
Boy on Bridge is a captivating documentary that follows the dynamic and engaging Alan Doyle, renowned for his work with Great Big Sea, as he embarks on a solo musical journey. This film captures Doyle’s collaborations with friends and musical icons, showcasing his venture into new creative territories. Amidst managing his career with Great Big Sea, Doyle faces personal challenges, including health issues, while seeking a record label for his latest project. This documentary offers an intimate look at Doyle’s artistic process, his dedication to music, and his efforts to fulfill his musical aspirations outside his band.
“Scoundrels and shenanigans in St. John’s. That’s all, but boy does it work. It’s the republic of us.”
– John Doyle, The Globe and Mail
Featuring collaborations with industry giants like Jim Cuddy of Blue Rodeo and Russell Crowe, among others, Boy on Bridge reveals the spontaneity and energy of Doyle’s recording sessions, often held in unconventional locations. Boy on Bridge is not just a musical journey; it’s an inspiring story of an artist’s quest to explore new horizons while staying true to his roots.